Hermit Crab Care for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know About Raising Healthy, Happy Pet Hermit Crabs (Happy Healthy Pets Book 1)

Hermit Crab Care for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know About Raising Healthy, Happy Pet Hermit Crabs (Happy Healthy Pets Book 1)

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Hermit Crab Care for Beginners not only shows you exactly how to properly take care of Hermit Crabs but it also shows you why they make such fun and interesting pets for children and adults. You will quickly learn that Hermit Crab care is not only simple but it is also very affordable.

“Everything I needed to know about taking care of my hermit crabs!” Billy South Florida

“Hermit crabs do make great first time pets and this book has shown me why.” Jessica Ohio

“I had my hermit crab habitat all wrong. This book showed me why and now my hermies are happy.” Michael Orlando

From choosing your first Hermit Crab, to setting up their habitat and what to do if things don't go as planned, Hermit Crab Care for Beginners shows you exactly how to care for and have fun with your new friends.

Written in an easy to read conversational style, Hermit Crab aficionado Jensen Kendall takes you under his wing and explains all of the important things you need to know about raising your pet Hermit Crabs.

“As a child, I spent a lot of time in the Florida Keys where the popular land Hermit Crabs of today's pet trade roamed the land. It didn't take me long to find out just how entertaining and fascinating these little creatures can be.

As I grew up, I never forgot my time with the wild Hermit Crabs of the Florida Keys. When my 5 year old son showed interest in owning a pet, I knew a Hermit Crab would make an excellent first choice. Not only did my son bond with his Hermit Crab, but he also learned the real value of responsibility, a very important life building skill.” Author: Jensen Kendall

Find out how to keep your Hermit Crabs happy and healthy by: Learning why Hermit Crabs make such good pets, understanding each species needs, choosing the perfect Hermit Crabs, What Makes the Perfect Hermit Crab Habitat, Setting Up the Perfect Hermit Crab Habitat, Maintaining proper heat and humidity levels, What to feed your Hermit Crabs, Understanding the molting process and what to do should problems arise.

Thinking about buying or do you already own a Hermit Crab? Buy this book and quickly learn how to keep your Hermit Crabs happy and healthy.